2024 SCI Girls Entries (all sections, alphabetical)

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Last updated: Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 2:30pm.
List of Players

  No. Name                      ID          Rate Gr Section
    1 Anwar, Azra Jabeen        30935155     253  2 Primary
    2 Anwar, Maryam             30430426     866  6 Championship
    3 Arunraj, Ananya           31219326     253  3 Primary
    4 Arunraj, Aniya            31213651     252  3 Primary
    5 Biberstine, Grace         30866483     472  5 Reserve
    6 Burchel, Harley           31859309          4 Reserve
    7 Burse, Aniya              31016295     858  8 Championship
    8 Cecoi, Victoria           31772732          6 Reserve
    9 Cerraras, Kerem           31650350     179  1 Primary
   10 Chapuran, Autumn          30153977     587  4 Reserve
   11 Escobar, Laura            30696707    1675  8 Championship
   12 Garrison, Zeriah          30643145     393  2 Primary
   13 Ibarra, Lucia             31755210          1 Primary
   14 Ibarra, Mia               30433380     146  6 Reserve
   15 Kent, Josie               30333069     207  6 Reserve
   16 Kulkarni, Aabha           30271929     507  6 Reserve
   17 Limon, Aubri              31650365     167  3 Primary
   18 Lopez, Nora               17332824     122  5 Reserve
   19 Luo, Isabella             30425178     739  5 Reserve
   20 Mehta, Aneri              31083930     489  6 Reserve
   21 Mitchell, Jane            31579861     201  1 Primary
   22 Musick, Natalie           30507382     481  6 Reserve
   23 Nef, Ellie Sue            30812056     544  5 Reserve
   24 Parkinson, Theresa        30506885          6 Reserve
   25 Perry, Alexandria         31542297     105  5 Reserve
   26 Searl, Marjane            30741383     810  3 Championship
   27 Smith, Quinn              31791111          3 Primary
   28 Stubblefield, Mackenzie   31563246          9 Reserve
   29 Vaddadi, Nidhi            30489389     850  4 Championship
   30 Valavala, Sriviraja       31088630     305  2 Primary
   31 Villalobos, Alyssa        30943797     314  3 Primary
   32 Zhang, Rachel             31771509          7 Reserve