If you prefer to buy your membership directly from the United States Chess Federation, or if you want to buy multi-year memberships or family memberships, please go directly to US Chess. Otherwise, please choose your membership type and fill out the form below COMPLETELY.
Membership types and benefits
Youth Membership, Age 18 and Under, $23 - Includes access to 12 digital issues per year of Chess Life, 6 digital issues of Chess Life for Kids, and the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.
Young Adult Membership, Ages 19 - 24, $32 - Includes access to 12 digital issues per year of Chess Life, 6 digital issues of Chess Life for Kids, and the right to earn a chess rating in the official national rating system.
Print magazines
For an extra $12.00 you can receive 12 print issues of Chess Life magazine.
For an extra $6.00 you can receive 6 print issues of Chess Life for Kids magazine.
Are the magazines worth the extra money? The short answer, in my opinion, is yes, IF YOU READ THEM. If you are going to toss them unread into the trash can or recycling bin every month, save your money.
Questions? Problems? Contact Joe Riegsecker at joepye@pobox.com.