2025 SCI Team Regional Entry

Please download the tournament flyer for complete details. You may find some interesting tidbits at this info sheet. Please note that for the regionals, you do NOT need to list individual players. Also note that Twelfth Grade & Under teams and Eighth Grade & Under teams do NOT play in the regionals. A page for entering those teams directly into the finals will be available later. The deadline for entering a regional is February 10.

If you have any questions at all please contact me at joepye@pobox.com BEFORE submitting your entry. Complete and accurate entries will help ensure a smooth regional tournament.

Be sure to check your entry for accuracy. Entries will be updated daily.

Please enter all teams from one school on a single form. You can enter the teams from up to four schools on this form. If you are entering teams from more than four schools, you will need to make multiple transactions.

You can pay by PayPal, credit card, debit card, Zelle, or check. The entry fee is $56 per team.

The Indianapolis Regional is almost full! We could use one more Sixth & Under team. Contact me.